Fandy Nur Hidayat
English teacher at Vocational High
School of Tunas Bangsa Tawangsari 57372, Sukoharjo
aims of these research were to know the process of teaching speaking by using
trap monopoly game at XI TKJ Grade of Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo,
and to describe the implementation of using trap monopoly game it self.This
research conducted by the researcher using qualitative method..The data was
collected by virtual observation, interview, questionnaire, and
documentation.The researcher
analysed the data by interactive
model from Miles and Huberman (1984).The result of this research were : First,
the process of teaching speaking by using trap monopoly game in teaching
speaking. On pandemic of Covid-19,the teacher used virtual learning by zoom
meeting aplication. Second, the implementation of teaching speaking by using
trap monopoly game as the learning media on vocabulary, narative and recount
text, procedure text, giving opinion materials.The strenghtness of using trap
monopoly game was helping the teacher in learning activity,more interesting and
as the alternative teaching speaking media. Moreover,using of trap monopoly
game was helping the students more active and confidence to speak english. The
weakness of using trap monopoly game as the teaching media was the teacher must
prepare the teaching media previously,E-learning process was less smoothly
because the internet signal was bad.
Keywords: trap
monopoly game, learning media, speaking
1. Introduction
English as
an international language used in countries throughout the world, including
Indonesia.Harmer (2007:13) stated that:“Although
English is not the language with the largest number of native or the first
language speakers, it has become a lingua franca. That is a language used
widely for communicate between people who do not share the same first (or even
second) language”. English is the second language for several countries.In
Indonesia, English is the foreign language, nevertheless English always taught
in every school. Through English we can communicate with other people in
different country, so communicate with other people in different country is
possible now. According to Veronika (2020) in Journal English as a
Foreign Language (JEFL) there
are four basic language in English teaching. There are, reading,
listening, writing, and speaking. By seeing the phenomena of mute english how
the millions of learner can read but not speak, speaking skill is one of
difficult skill to learn for students. To be a good speaker, they must mastery
of pronounciation, vocabulary and grammar. Without mastery all of them, the
students cannot suggest their own idea.
There are four skills in English:
listening, reading, writing, and speaking.Speaking is an expression of human
being through conversation. Speaking is askill which is simply needed more than
one person as speaker and listener. Brown (2003 : 140) defined :“Speaking as a
productive skill that can be directly and empirically observed, those
observations are invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of a test
taker listening skill, which necessarily compromises the reliability and
validity of an oral production test”.From those statements above, the
researcher concluded that speaking is an activity involving two or more people
in which the participants are both the listeners and the speakers having to act
what they listen and make their contribution at high speed.
Speaking is not just expressing
something orally. However, the students need toacquire some speaking aspects to
have a good speaking skill. Speaking is important because speaking is a skill
that can make people easily understand to what things explained. Speaking
assess the speaker to be able to transfer their idea through speech.
There are the
aspects of speaking performance:
According to
Thornbury (2005:6) the principle of fluency is speak fast,but it is by no mean
only or even the most important one, The listeners perceptions of a speakers
fluency suggests that pausing is equally important. Its mean that good speaking
performance is speak faster and clearly. The important one is about pausing the
speech process.
Thrown in
Thornbury (2005:1) states that “ Pronunciation refers to the student ability to
produce comprehensible utterances to fulfill the task requirements.
Pronunciation becomes important because it gives meaning to what is being said.
Wrong pronunciation may cause missunderstanding or people involved in a
conversation are offended. The average person produces tens of thousands of
words a day. Grammar and vocabulary, with a bit of
pronounciation.”Pronounciation is the ability to produce comprehensible
utterances to fullfill the task requirements. Because less or wrong
pronounciation can make missunderstanding.
(2003:4) said that Grammar is about the connectivity of tenses structure in a
sentence. From that statement, we know that grammar is used to arrange the
words into appropriate sentence by considering all the use of each word and
it’s tense. Grammar makes well arranged group of words that will be delivered
to be known well.
Nurgun (2010:16)
defined that profiency in English necessiatates structural competence and a
vocabulary large enough for the learner to understand and produce utterance on
a wide variety of topics.
to Thornbury (2005:29) communication refers to the strategy to deliver the
utterance on conversation. They are two ways on communication strategies : Avoidance
and Discourse strategies.The statement above explained that the meaning in
conversation as the way of communication should deliver well to get an
appropriate interpretation from the speaker to listener.
is one of skill that students should study in the classroom because speaking is
not a simple skill in learning English. It can be used to express ideas or
other purposes in having relation in the world. According to Cameron (2001:36)
Classroom acticity can support student’s discourse skill development in the
foreign language.From the teory above, its mean that the quality of classroom
activity as a reason how the stutents
develop their own foreign language
mastery. When the students feel enjoy during classroom activity, the students
would be easier to understand. The teacher must improve their own strategy on
teaching and tries to use teaching media as a support.
using teaching media, the students will get the new atmosphere on learning
process.Mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second
language or foreign language learners. Consequently learners often evaluate
their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their
English course based on how much they feel they have improved in their spoken
language proficiency.
Teaching speaking should be taught in
attractive and communicative activities. There are many types of classroom speaking
activities. Harmer (2007: 348-352) states six classroom speaking activities. They
are acting from script, communication games, discussion, prepared talks,
a. Acting from
Playing scripts and
acting out the dialogues are two kinds of acting scripts that should be
considered by the teacher in the teaching and learning process. In the playing
scripts, it is important for the students to teach it as real acting. The role
of the teacher in this activity is as theatre directors, drawing attention to
appropriate stress, intonation, and speed. This means that the lines they speak
will have real meaning. By giving students practice in these things before they
give their final performances, the teacher ensures that acting out is both a
learning and language producing activity. The students will gain much more from
the whole experience in the process.
b. Communication
Games are designed to
provoke communication between students. The games are made based on the
principle of the information gap so that one student has to talk to a partner
in order to solve a puzzle, draw a picture, put a thing in the right order, or
find similarities and differences between pictures. Television and radio games,
imported into the classroom, often provide good fluency activities.
c. Discussion
Discussion is probably
the most commonly used activity in the oral skills class. Here, the students
are allowed to express their real opinions. Discussion range is divided into
several stages from highly formal, whole-group staged events to informal
small-group interactions.
d. Prepared
Students make a
presentation on a topic of their own choice. Such talks are not designed for
informal spontaneous conversations because they are prepared and more ‘writing
like’. However, if possible students should speak from notes rather than from a
are very useful because they ensure that both questioner and respondent have
something to say to each other. Students can design questionnaires on any topic
that is appropriate. The results obtained from questionnaires can then form the
basis for written work, discussions, or prepared talks.
According to Hafield (2003:4) A game is an activity with rules, a
goal and an element of fun. Games can help and encourage them to maintain
their interest and learning activities. Games can help teachers to create
linguistic contexts that make the language useful and meaningful. In learning
activities with games, the students can actively participate in learning to
understand what others have said or written.
The students must also learn to
speak and write, in order to express their views and provide information. Games
can be a tool that helps them experience language and not just learn languages.
Ersoz (2008) on his journal stated “
further revealed that well-chosen games are useful learning strategies, because
games can encourage students to practice all language skills and various types
of communication. Games are very motivating because games interesting and challenges the students.It can be said that game is one of the main methods in
the learning process for adults. Pedagogical advantage of game in adult
learning is that games present a structured situation as an actual life
situation. But the learning experience in games contains fun elements, and the
risk of failure or success that can be learn repeatedly”.From the definition
above the researcher conclude that game is a method or strategies that teachers
use in teaching learning process to build students’ interest in learning
process especially in learning English and interact with other students in
teaching learning process.
There are four kinds of games based on Hadfield (2003:4) as follows:
a. Competitive games, in which players or teams race to be the first to reach the goal.
b. Cooperative games, in which players or
teams work together towards a common goal.
c. Linguistic games, in which players or
teams work together towards a linguistic goal or aim. The emphasis in the
linguistic games is the correctness of language or the correct production of a structure.
d. Communicative games, as distinct from
linguistic games, the goal or the aim this games is successful completion of
the game will involve the carrying out of the task such as drawing route in a
map, filling in a chart or finding to match pictures.
Monopoly is the one of board games that can
adapted for teaching media. Bob Gibson (1996) on his journal states that Board
games that which players take turns throwing the dice and talking about the topic specified in the
squares on which the land.Trap monopoly game is a teaching media that used by
the english teacher to teaching learning on XI TKJ Class. The rules of trap
monopoly game is similarly with the general monopoly game. The teacher adopt
the rules of trap monopoly game based on the rule of general monopoly game by
Husna M. (2009:151)
There is the rules of monopoly game by Husna M
Tools :
Pawns as the players.
Pawns as a hotel/house
Monopoly Board
Money for monopoly game
Purchase of land card
Chance card
Public Fund Card
Steps :
1. Prepare all the equipments.
2. Every players are given some money.
3. The players do the lottery to know the order.
4. The first player throw the dice and walk based on to the
number of dice.
5. If the second number of dice is same, so the player got
the opportunity to throw the dice again.
6. If the players succees to trough one loop, the player got
money from banker.
7. The players who stop on the free plot of land, the
players may buy the plot based on the price.
8. The other players who stop on the plot of land that has been
bought by the other player must pay the price of listed.
9. If the dice stop on public fund or chance so the players
must take the card and follow the instruction.
The players also can go into the jail if the
dice stop on a sign of prison.
is the leader on choosing a learning method that using in class. From some
experience , teachers’ centered has weakness. Usually , teacher just gives
structure pattern and ask their students to make sentences in class, it is full
of theories and make the students feel bored. In other, students have less
interaction with other students in leearning process that will make students
more passive in class. The teacher just uses the same method in class, and the
teacher don’t understand to change the methods in order to make students more
active and enjoy on the learning process. The teacher should know about new
method that can be used in class to improve students’ speaking skill. There are
a lot of methods that can be used in
class to increase students’ attention in learning process.
has to find new method in teaching learning process than can make students easy
to understand about the materials effectively. Communicative language teaching
approach provides various communicative
activities in english language teaching. In formal education, listening
and speaking as the important of language skills get less proportion in the
english teaching and learning. Consequently the students assume that listening
and speaking are not very important to study. Speaking is productive skill of
language learning. Involves communicative perfomance, and other important
elements, such us pronunciaton, grammar, and vocabulary.
teaching speaking, the teacher must has an interesting teaching media to teach
the students. At SMK Muhammdiyah 2 Sukoharjo, the english teacher use monopoly
game to support in teaching. The teacher used monopoly game as the famous game
to asked their students in speaking activity. Monopoly game is the famous board
game in the world. Monopoly board game is derived from the Landlord’s Game created by Lizzie Magie in the United States
in 1903. Meanwhile, monopoly game can be used as the media in teaching and
learning process especially in teaching speaking.Then, this article aims to
knowing how trap monopoly game teaching media was implemented.
This article is a descriptive qualitative
study.Moleong ( 2018 : 6 ) stated “Qualitative research is a research that conducted to understand the phenomenon of
something that experienced by research subjects such as behavior, perception,
motivation, or action. Qualitative research using
descriptions of words and language, and a variety of scientific.
resarcher collected some data using descriptive qualitative. The data was an
interaction between the teacher and the students during learning process.There
were the result of observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation that
collected by the researcher during learning process used trap monopoly game at
the Xl TKJ Grade Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo 2019/2020 academic year by the english teacher.
qualitative research the main isntrument is the researcher himself, and also
the researcher collected the data by the
another instruments that helped the resarcher’s work, as Observation
sheet,interviewguide,questionnaire draft,virtual instrumets (Google form &
Zoom meeting).For the technique of collecting data in this research were
observation,interview,questionnaire and documentation.
After collecting the data, the next step
was analyzing the data. Nasution (1988) in Sugiyono (2017 : 245) she said that
the analysis was began since preapred and expalin the problem, before apply the
research, and until written the result of the research.
On analysis data the reseacher focuses
during collecting data process. The aim of data analysis was to know the result
of using trap monopoly game on teaching speaking. There were three processes on
analysis data. There were data reduction, data display, and drawing
this research, the researcher chose source triangulation to test the
credibility of the data by checking the data through some sources. The
reseracher was collected the information from alot of data source. The
researcher checking the data credibility from the english teacher and the
students of IX Grade at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo.
Result and Discusion
In this research finding, the
researcher found some data in the field
in collecting data, the reseacher used
some techniques. There were observations, interviews, questionnaire, and
documentations. The instruments of those were observation sheet, interview
sheet, quesstionaire sheet, Zoom Meeting aplication and Google Form.
Observation is an activity of
object observed by the researcher. The
aspect in the observation are draft of observation. It was used to make easy of
the researcher’s step in collecting data. Because the impact of Pandemic of
Covid-19 the researcher used virtual observation, the researcher just observed
the student’s of XI TKJ Grade and english teacher’s learning speaking
activities using trap monopoly game without the school conditions.
This observation had been conducted by the researcher on June, 8th until 16th 2020. The researcher conducted the observation using virtual media. Here, the researcher got some data about Students of XI TKJ Grade of SMK Muhammadyah 2 Sukoharjo.
The researcher conducted the observation
in two times, on June 13th
and 14 th 2020. The reseacher had been observed the interaction between
students and the english teacher during learning process using trap monopoly
game. The english teacher made E-learning to conducted the classroom activity.
The english teacher used Zoom Meeting aplication. The result of teacher and
students activities in teaching learning process especially in english lesson.
The resarcher gave symbol check ( ⱱ ) in the draft of the observation as
follows :
Table 1.1 Teacher observation result
Number |
Questions |
Result |
First Meeting |
Second Meeting |
1 |
Preparation |
The teacher prepared the material before entered
the E-learning. |
ⱱ |
The teacher greet the students before giving any
lessons. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
The teacher absent the students. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
2 |
Teaching step |
The teacher gave the rule about the learning step
by zoom aplication. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
The teacher gave the students the materials of the
day. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
The teacher asked the students comprehension about
the materials. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
The teacher made groups of the stuudents with in
pairs. |
ⱱ |
The teacher asked the students for spesking
english. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
The teacher using lerning media. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
The teacher gave any resume about the topic |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
3 |
The teacher gave some evaluating |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
The teacher gave some motivation to the students. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
on the table above, the teacher prepared
the material before entered the E-learning. Then the teacher always greet the
students before giving the lessons. The teacher also asked the students
attendence. The teacher taught the material based on the Syllabus and lesson
plan that conducted on the learning media. Because Pandemic of Covid-19, the
teacher was made a simple ways for the implementation of trap monopoly game. On
the first meeting the teacher was divided the students into two groups. On the
first and the second meeting the teacher asked the students to improve their
speaking skill based on the qustion card of trap monopoly game. On the closing,
the teacher gave any evaluation and motivation.
The researcher also was made the result
of the students interactions during learning process. The result as follows :
Table 1.2 Students observation result
Number |
Questions |
Result |
First Meeting |
Second Meeting |
1 |
Preparation |
The students join the room of E-lerning on time. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
After entered the room of E-learning the students
paid attention to the teacher |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
The students answer the teacher greet’s. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
2 |
Teaching step |
The students paid attention on the teacher’s
explanation |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
The students did the teacher’s task. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
The students accept the teacher’s guidance |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
The students was excited when improve their
speaking skill. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
3 |
a. The students
paid attention the teacher’s evaluate and the motivation. |
ⱱ |
ⱱ |
on the table, showed that the students always join the zoom metting on time.
The students paid their attetion to the teacher. They always answered the
teacher greet. On teaching process, the students paid attention on the teacher
explanation. The students did the teacher task. The students also accepted the
teacher guidance. The students was very excited when improve their speaking
skill. On closing, the students paid attention the teacher evaluation. The
students gave enthusiasm with the teacher motivation.
first interview, the reseacher asked to the english teacher to get the
information or data from the source data directly. The information was the ways
in teaching speaking by using trap monopoly game. The reseacher
wrote the teacher’s answered and made a script. The result of the interview
were as follow:
teacher had motivated the students to more active.
teacher had difficulty to motivated the students,
students were less vocabulary and less speaking skill.
teacher used some learning media, one of them was trap monopoly game,
teacher used trap monopoly game to made the students more exited.
teacher explained how to used trap monopoly game.
teacher explained the advantages and disadvantages of trap monopoly game as a
learning media.
teacher explained abot the respon of using trap monopoly game.
teacher explained about the reward for students.
The second interview the researcher
asked some students randomly to get the information or data about it. The
researcher used interview guide in helped collecting data. The researcher wrote
the students answered and made a script. The result of the interview were as
students had less motivation to learn English especialy in speaking.
students had some difficulties to improve their vocabulary.
teacher told that english lessons was fun although using E-learning because
Pandemic of Covid-19.
teacher always used new method and creative media.
teacher that trap monopoly game as learning media was interesting and fun.
teacher that this media was effective.
students told that, the teacher always gave the motivation to learn English and
Questionnaire was used to complete the data through
observation. The reseacher used draft questionnaire to collect the data. The
reseacher conducted the questionnaire in google form because Pandemic of
Covid-19 the reseacher using virtual questionnaire. The questionnaire gave to
question as about the English, Speaking comprehension, learning media and
teacher’s way in teaching reading by using trap monopoly game. The
questionnaire gave at two times. The first questionnaire as the general
questionnaire give before the first meeting began.
Then, the second questionnaire as the specific questionnaire given by th
reseacher after the secong meeting finished.
Based on the data,
the researcher concluded that the students like English lesson. Meanwhile the
students thought that english was difficult. However, the students like
speaking learning. The students had a own problem when they want to speak in
english. The students had less vocabulary, so they found the difficulties. The
students were obeying if the teacher invited them to speak english. The
students also feel happy if the teacher asked them. The teacher used a learning
media and students like it. The students knew about trap monopoly game. However
the teacher ever used this learning media when the students were on the
previous semester. So the students thought that used trap monopoly game as
learning media was interested. The students was familiar with the rule of
general monopoly game so the students didn’t feel difficulties.
The result of second questionnaire on
used trap monopoly game as learning media on teaching speaking was important.
The students felt happy if the teacher used this learning media. This learning
media could help the students to learn speaking. The students motivation of
learn English was increased atfer the teacher used this media. The students
agreed if the teacher used trap monopoly game as their media in teacing
Documentation was an activity to got the
data from documents. The aspects in documentation were syllabus, lesson plan,
and the record when the teacher and the students interaction during learning
process. Based on the data that the researcher got before teaching speaking,
the teacher prepared the lesson plan of any materials based the competence in
syllabus design. The reseacher took the record when the teacher explained about
material and the implementation of trap monopoly game as the learning media on
E-learning process.
Trap monopoly game was a learning media
taht used by the teacher. The teacher chose this media because it was so easy
and adapted from the famous board game. The students of IX TKJ Grade were bored
with the monotone learning. The teacher somethimes gave a reward to the
students to motivate the students more active in English learning.
The teacher used trap monopoly in
teaching speaking based on the teacher creativity. For clearly explanation
as the players.
for monopoly game
Card as an ownership card that given to the players who had already purchase a
question card.
Fund Card
b. Steps :
all the equipments.
teacher as a banker. The teacher gave the monopoly money to the students.
player rolls the dice and starts to moved according to the number.
players was bought the question card and answers the speaking content.
players who stops at the plot that has been purcashed,they must pay the rent
and answer the speaking content.
players who stop at the chance or public fund
must take the card and carry out the command listed.
the players cannot answer the conntent they must pay $ 10.000 as a fine.
players who has many question card would be the winner.
on resrach finding, the researcher discusses about the result of observations,
interviews, quesstionnaires, and documentations. It was about the teacher’s way
in teaching speaking by using trap monopoly game as learning media that was
collected by the researcher from the interaction between English teacher and
the students of IX TKJ Grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo in academic year
researcher taught the reseach about the interaction between the teacher and the
students during learning process using trap monopoly game as the learning
media. This research conducted at XI TKJ Grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo.
On this school learning media that ussualy used is video, photos, game and etc.
The teacher used the learning media to support the materials and made the
students interested. One of the English teacher in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo
was used trap monopoly game as learning media in teaching speaking. This media
consisted some materials from the syllabus and the teacher’s own materials.
researcher analysed about the teacher’s way in teaching speaking by using trap
monopoly game. The English teacher taught speaking in XI TKJ Grade with the
some materials, there were : recount text, narative text, vocabulary building,
procedure text, giving opinion and offering also the additional material from
the teacher’s creativity that conducted in questions card of trap monopoly
this research, because the Pandemic of Covid-19 the teacher perforce used
E-learning. Fortunately, the teacher ever gave this learning media to the
students when the previous semester . The teacher was made the simple way to
applied the learning media altough with virtual learning activity. The teacher
conducted the virtual learning by using Zoom Meeting Application. The teacher
was divided the students into two groups. The teacher used the questions card
of trap monopoly game. Then the teacher was devided them to the students one by
one and the students must speak in english based on the instruction of the
question card. The teacher was summarised the rules of trap monopoly game but still interested for the students.
When the teacher applicated the trap
monopoly game as the learning media in teaching speaking, the students was
interested altough using virtual learning and the students can not practice
directly. The students were so antusiasm when the teacher applied again the
speaking class using trap monopoly game as learning media. The students tried
to understand the teacher’s new way to applied trap monopoly game.
strenghtness of using trap monopoly game as the learning media in teaching
speaking at at XI TKJ Grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo as follows :
help the English teacher in teaching learning process.
the alternative beside the another media.
help the students more active .
monopoly game was easier to implemented.
were the strengtness of using trap monopoly game as the learning media in
teaching speaking that found in this research. It showed that using trap
monopoly game as the learning media in teaching speaking gave the positive
the using trap monopoly game as the learning media in teaching reading at at at
XI TKJ Grade of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo also had the weakness as follows :
teacher must prepared the trap monopoly game in previous.
teacher was confused when the internet signal was bad.
reseacher conducted an analysis based on assumtion in the reseacher study. The
reseacher gave analysis phenomenom in the field apperance in the reseacher
study and explain as belows :
English teacher of SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo had a rules in teaching learning process especially in teaching
speaking. The English teacher tried to find the way for motivating the students
in learning English.
teacher utilized the easy media to improve the students interested and
motivated in learning process.
teacher conveyed procedures of teaching and learning process by using trap
monopoly game in different way based on the situation of Pandemic of Covid-19.
The teacher created the some way based on the teacher’s creativity to made the
speaking comprehension more easier.
teacher became a facilitator to made an active students in teaching learning
process, especially in speaking.
students was very interested with the teacher learning media. Because the media
were so simple and fun.
strenghtness of using trap monopoly game as the learning media was helped the
teacher, more interesting, easier to improved and can be used as the
alternative beside the another media. Moreover the used of trap monopoly game
helped the students more active in learning process.
weakness of using trap monopoly game as the learning media were the teacher
must prepared the media in previous. The teacher was confused when the internet signal was bad. It was made
the learning process was less smoothly.
on the result of the research, An
Analysis Of Trap Monopoly Game In Teaching Speaking At XI TKJ Grade Of SMK
Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo In 2019/2020 Academic Year. The researcher presents some
The process of teaching speaking by
using trap monopoly game are the teacher way in teaching speaking. Because
Pandemic of Covid-19 the teacher uses the simple rules of trap monopoly game.
The teacher uses E-learning to conduct the implementation of trap monopoly
game. the teacher uses Zoom Meeting application. The teacher divided the
students into two groups and the teacher disordered the question card of trap
monopoly game as randomly to the students.
The implementation of teaching
speaking by using trap monopoly game are applied of trap monopoly game as the
learning media of teaching speaking in some materials. The strenghtness
of using trap monopoly game as the learning media are help the teacher’s
learnig activity, more interesting, easier to implementing and can be uses as
the alternative beside the another media. Moreover the uses of trap monopoly
game is help the students to more active in learning activitty. The weakness of
using trap monopoly game as the learning media is the teacher must prepare the
media in previous. The teacher is confuse when the internet signal is bad. So,
the learning process is less smoothly.
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